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Exploring Future Development in South Sacramento

In January 2022, the City of Sacramento acquired a 102-acre vacant parcel. The City is now exploring possibilities for its development.

The City's Community Development Department conducted an opportunities and constraints analysis to inform both the public and City Council about potential development options and constraints. Before City Council makes a decision, it is important to know as much about the site as possible. The analysis is meant to provide information about the existing conditions, a broad overview of potential ways to use the site, and what considerations Council would need to keep in mind as they make their decisions. The goal for the analysis would be to provide enough information to help City Council answer two key questions:

  • How should the site be developed?
  • What are the general land uses to be developed at the site?

Based on the findings of the opportunities and constraints analysis and community feedback, City staff anticipates providing a recommendation for Council’s consideration in late Fall of 2024.

Once Council has made a decision, it is likely that staff will be asked to use Council’s guidance to further investigate what is possible for the site based on the community priorities, resources available, and market conditions.

Explore the stations below to learn about, ask questions, and leave comments on the site study, its findings, and the next steps in shaping the future of South Sacramento! 

Step 1: Take the self-guided tour

Inclusive Economic Development

Housing and Homelessness

Open Space, Parks, and Trails

Step 2: We want to hear from you!

102-Acre Site: Where are you from?


Watch the City Council Discussion

On April 9, 2024, Community Development Department staff presented an overview of the 102-Acre Site to City Council, covering its location, context, and history. They also shared findings from the opportunities and constraints analysis and outlined next steps. Public comments and Council discussion followed the presentation. 

Step 4: Stay Involved

During the Summer of 2024, City staff will be sharing information about the 102-acre site at various community events.

Stay in the loop about upcoming events and meetings by visiting the 102-Acre Site website and signing up for newsletter updates.